Have Fun (1984)

Have Fun is Fun Fun's debut album, released in 1984. The singles released from this album were: Happy Station (#11 Germany, #4 Netherlands), Colour My Love (#17 Germany, #10 Netherlands), Give Me Your Love (#17 Germany, #25 Netherlands), Living in Japan, Sing Another Song, and Tell Me.
1-) Give Me Your Love.
2-) Sing Another Song.
3-) Tell Me.
4-) Living in Japan.
5-) Colour My Love.
6-) Give a Little Love Again.
7-) Happy Station.
Double Fun (1987) (***NEW***)

1-) Gimme Some Lovin'.
2-) Could This Be Love.
3-) Psychedelic Visions.
4-) Hit Mix.
5-) Give Up Your Fight.
6-) Lonely Feeling.
7-) I'm a Believer.

Dedicated to the Moon (1987)

1-) Call Me.
2-) Sarah.
3-) Dedicated to the Moon.
4-) So Easy.
5-) The Power of Money.
6-) Easy Lady.
7-) Dance Dance Dance.
8-) Why Can't I Say (I Love You Babe).
9-) Baby Blue.
10-) Girl It's Not the End of the World.
You Are My Energy (1988)

1-) I Wanna Be Your Wife.
2-) This Generation (IIII).
3-) Let Me (Say I Love You).
4-) Friday.
5-) Me and You.
6-) You Are My Energy.
7-) Why Don't We Talk Anymore?
8-) Every Girl & Boy.
9-) Don't Call It Love.
10-) Woman in Love.
11-) March 10, 1959 (Memories of the Taste of Freedom).
No Way Out (1991)

No Way Out is Spagna's third studio album, released in 1991. For the recording of this album, Spagna moved to Santa Monica, California. The album features a Diane Warren-penned song, There's a Love. The album sold 100, 000 copies in Italy and was certified Platinum. The singles released from this album were: Only Words (#5 Italy), Love at First Sight and Me and My Love.
1-) Only Words.
2-) You Break into My Heart.
3-) No Way Out.
4-) Love at First Sight.
5-) Me and My Love.
6-) I Don't Wanna Fall in Love.
7-) There's a Love.
8-) Number One.
9-) I Miss You.
10-) I Only Dance with You.
Matter of Time (1993)

1-) If I Listened to My Heart.
2-) Why Me.
3-) You'll Be Mine.
4-) Don't Go Away Tonight.
5-) Why Are You Leaving Me.
6-) If You Really Love Me.
7-) I Always Dream About You.
8-) Matter of Time.
9-) You & I.
10-) I'll Walk Away.
11-) I'll Keep Loving You.
Siamo In Due (1995) (Two of Us).

1-) Davanti Agli Occhi Miei. (Before My Eyes).
2-) Siamo In Due. (Two of Us).
3-) Mai. (Never).
4-) Chiamami. (Call Me).
5-) Come Il Cielo. (Like the Sky).
6-) Il Cerchio della Vita. (The Circle of Life).
7-) Gente Come Noi. (People Like Us).
8-) A Pugni Chiusi. (A Closed Fist).
9-) Uno Como Te. (One Like You).
10-) Un Natale Che Non Finirà. (A Christmas that Will Not End).
Lupi Solitari (1996) (Lone Wolves) (***NEW***)

1-) Colpa del Sole. (The Sun's Fault).
2-) Ti Amo. (I Love You).
3-) E Io Penso a Te. (And I Think of You).
4-) Ci Sarò. (I'll Be There).
5-) Come l'Alba. (Like the Dawn).
6-) Lupi Solitari. (Lone Wolves).
7-) Un Amico. (A Friend).
8-) Se Perdo Te. (If I Lose You).
9-) Se Ti Rivedrò. (If I See You Again).
10-) Arriverà. (Will Arrive).
Indivisibili (1997) (Undivided) (***NEW***)

1-) Indivisibili. (Undivided).
2-) Una Razione d'Amore. (A Ration of Love).
3-) Dov'eri. (Where Were).
4-) Fuori dal Normale. (Out of the Ordinary).
5-) Immaginarti Qui. (Imagine You Here).
6-) Cipolle e Fragole. (Onions and Strawberries).
7-) Torniamo Insieme. (Back Together).
8-) Ogni Giorno di Più. (Every Day More).
9-) Quello Che Voglio. (What I Want).
10-) Sarà. (Will).
Domani (2000) (Tomorrow) (***NEW***)

1-) Gloria.
2-) Con Il Tuo Nome. (With Your Name).
3-) Un Po' d'Amore. (A Little Bit of Love).
4-) Aspettavo Te. (Waiting for You).
5-) Acqua. (Water).
6-) Mi Amor.
7-) Domani. (Tomorrow).
8-) Anime Sole. (Lonely Souls).
9-) Messages of Love.
10-) Anche Un Momento (È Tanto Se Tu Ci Sei). (Also a Time So Much Whether You're There).
11-) Al Sole. (To the Sun).
12-) L'ora dei Ricordi. (Time of Memories).
13-) Claire de Lune. (Moonlight).
La Nostra Canzone (2001) (Our Song) (***NEW***)

1-) Teorema. (Theorem).
2-) Eloise.
3-) Il Nostro Concerto. (Our Concert).
4-) Ho Difeso il Mio Amore. (I Defended My Love).
5-) Dicitencello Vuje.
6-) Quella Carezza della Sera. (That Evening's Caress).
7-) Never Alone.
8-) Bang Bang.
9-) La Donna Cannone. (The Fat Lady).
10-) De Jour en Jour. (From Day to Day).
Woman (2002, 2003)

Woman is Spagna's tenth studio album, released originally in 2002 by Swiss independent record label B & G. However, a re-release which includes the Spanish version of Never Say You Love Me, No Digas Te Quiero was released in 2003. This was her first studio album sung in English since 1993's Matter of Time. This album features 8 songs in English, 2 in Spanish (3 with No Digas Te Quiero) and 1 in French. The singles released from this album were: Never Say You Love Me (#27 Italy), No Digas Te Quiero (released only in Spain), Woman, Más Allá Del Cielo Azul (released only in Spain), and Do It with Style (#36 Italy).
1-) Woman.
2-) Never Say You Love Me.
3-) A Day Without You.
4-) Rain and Tears.
5-) Baila.
6-) Más Allá del Cielo Azul.
7-) Lady in Black.
8-) Comme C'est Bizarre La Vie.
9-) Do It with Style.
10-) A New Day.
11-) Tears of Love.
12-) No Digas Te Quiero (2003 re-release bonus).
Diario di Bordo (2005, 2006)

Diario di Bordo is Spagna's twelfth studio album, originally released in 2005. However, a re-release called Diario di Bordo Voglio Sdraiarmi al Sole emerged in 2006. During the promotion of this album, she participated once again in San Remo's Festival with the song Noi Non Possiamo Cambiare. The singles released from this album were: A Chi Dice No, Day by Day, Noi Non Possiamo Cambiare (#17 Italy), and Vorrei Fossi Tu. The album charted at #64 in Italy, passing hugely unnoticed among the audience.
2005 tracklist:
1-) Prova d'Amore. (Proof of Love).
2-) A Chi Dice No. (Who Says No).
3-) Anche Solo Per Un Instante. (Even for an Instant).
4-) Day by Day.
5-) Diario di Bordo. (Logbook).
6-) Greta.
7-) Donna Invisibile. (Invisible Lady).
8-) Come Un Raggio di Sole. (Like a Ray of Sunshine).
2006 tracklist: (THIS IS THE UPLOADED FILE)
1-) Noi Non Possiamo Cambiare. (We Can Not Change).
2-) Vorrei Fossi Tu. (I Wish You Were).
3-) Voglio Sdraiarmi al Sole. (I Want to Lie in the Sun).
4-) Prova d'Amore. (Proof of Love).
5-) A Chi Dice No. (Who Says No).
6-) Anche Solo Per Un Instante. (Even for an Instant).
7-) Day by Day.
8-) Diario di Bordo. (Logbook).
9-) Greta.
10-) Donna Invisibile. (Invisible Lady).
11-) Come Un Raggio di Sole. (Like a Ray of Sunshine).
Buon Natale (2010) (***NEW***)

Tracklisting MP3 version: (THIS IS THE UPLOADED FILE!!!)
1-) All I Want for Christmas Is You.
2-) Last Christmas.
3-) Jingle Bells.
4-) Silent Night.
5-) Santa Claus Is Coming to Town.
Tracklisting full version:
1-) All I Want for Christmas Is You.
2-) Last Christmas.
3-) Jingle Bells.
4-) Silent Night.
5-) Santa Claus Is Coming to Town.
6-) Se Crederai. (If You Believe).
7-) You'll Be in My Heart.
8-) Il Mondo È Mio. (The World Is Mine).
9-) I Colori del Vento. (Colors of the Wind).
10-) Il Cerchio della Vita. (Circle of Life).
11-) Restiamo Insieme. (Stay Together).
12-) Goccia di Mare (Il Colori dell'Amore). (Drop of Water. The Colors of Love).
Gracias amigo x toda la música de tú pag. sta wow...super increible todo. X cierto no funciona el link(siamoin due). Spero dure mucho tiempo sto...para q más gente conozca BUENA MÚSICA. Mil gracias.--VANX-- ...México.